Here Is What a Level 2 ASP Electrician Does
A Level 2 ASP electrician is highly skilled and efficient. They hold proper license and experience to perform certain tasks which an ordinary electrician will never be able to do.
Accredited Service Provider or an ASP is licensed as well as trained to deliver broad installation, maintenance, and repairs required to underground and overhead service lines amongst your home and the power network in the street. They are extremely reliable and therefore in case of any electrical emergency, you can definitely count on them. An ordinary electrician will never be able to perform the tasks which an ASP does as they do not have the required qualification and license.
The works of a Level 2 electrician involves:
Disconnection and Reconnection of your premises from the mains
Power Pole installation
Repairing of overhead and underground service lines
Metering and energizing new installations
Installing contestable market metering
Switchboard upgrades
Repair UV damage cables
Increate of existing load
Relocation of consumer cables
Provide temporary power supply
Emergency power repairs
Electricity disconnection
A person should always consider a Grade 2 ASP who is highly recognized by the NSW Government Trade & Investment Resources and energy division. A Grade 2 ASP team that works under NSW has tremendous potential and also ensure safety. You can be relaxed by assigning the task to such a team who understand your requirement to the fullest. A team of Grade 2 electricians needs to be authorized by Endeavour Energy and Ausgrid to conduct all the above-mentioned tasks. Therefore, next time you see some issues related to the above-mentioned points then do not forget to seek assistance from the Level 2 electrician to get preeminent results.